Data Protection Policy for Patients
Ocean Drive Dental Care, Edinburgh processes personal information that relates to patients and is therefore required by law to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA), which protects your privacy and ensures that your personal information is processed fairly and lawfully.
Our Commitment to Patients
Ocean Drive Dental Care is committed to ensuring that it complies with the DPA and applies ethical principles to all aspects of its work to protect the interests of patients and maintain the confidentiality and security of any personal information held in any form by the practice.
Why Does the Practice Hold Personal Information About Me?
We keep information about you to:
· ensure the dental team can contact you easily;
· provide you with the best possible dental care;
· provide care for you under the NHS and enable administration of the NHS.
What Personal Information is Kept?
Personal information includes facts (e.g. treatment you have had) and opinions (e.g. any concerns you or your dentist might have about your dental health). To provide the best possible care for you, accurate and comprehensive personal information is required. The following records are kept and updated regularly:
· personal information and contact details, including your name, address and date of birth;
· dental, social and medical histories (e.g. past or current medical conditions, current medication, the name of your GP);
· results of the examination of your mouth and oral health, including x-rays and clinical photographs;
· information about appointments;
· any treatments and their costs;
· any proposed care, including advice we give to you and referrals you might need;
· any concerns you or your dental team might have;
· details of your consent for specific procedures;
· correspondence with other healthcare workers that relates to your care.
How is My Personal Information Processed?
Sharing Relevant Information
To provide you with appropriate care, we might need to share personal data with:
· another dentist or health professional who is caring for you;
· your GP;
· NHS payment authorities;
· the Inland Revenue;
· the Benefits Agency, if you are claiming exemption or remission from NHS charges;
· a private dental scheme, if you are a member.
In these cases, only the minimum information required will be shared. Rarely, the law requires us to pass on information to prevent serious crime or injury. Where possible, we will inform you of requests to share personal information.
Disclosure Without Consent
Exceptional circumstances might override the duty to maintain confidentiality. Where possible, we will inform the patient of requests to share personal information. The decision to disclose information must only be taken by senior staff. Examples include:
· situations where there is a serious public health risk or risk of harm to other individuals;
· when information is required by the police to prevent or detect crime or to apprehend or prosecute offenders
(if not providing the information would prejudice these purposes);
· in response to a court order;
· to enable a dentist to pursue a legal claim against a patient.
DPO Officer is responsible for making the decision regarding whether personal data should be disclosed.
Storage and Retention of Personal Information
We keep patient records for adult patients for a minimum of 11 years and for child patients for either 11 years or until the child is 25 years of age, whichever is longer.
We will not keep records for longer than necessary and after they are no longer required, records will be shredded.
Personal information is stored on a secure password-protected practice computer system and a manual filing system; only authorised practice staff have access to these systems. Back-ups of these data are made regularly, in line with the DPA.
Your Right to Access Personal Information
You have the right, under the DPA, to request a copy of the information held on you by our Practice.
If you would like to make a request, please send this in writing to Ocean Drive Dental Care at the address below:
120 Ocean Drive,
Edinburgh EH6 6JG
We will respond to your request within 30 days of its receipt.
If you have a query or would like more information, please contact our receptionist on 0131 555 0376 or write to the Practice Manager at the address above.